Do you know a local businesses with the relevant skills, resources or materials that could help us improve living conditions for children across the Liverpool region? We are particularly looking for flooring companies, builders, bedroom furniture suppliers including beds & mattresses, duvets, pillows, curtains etc.

The more support we get the more children we can help, the children chosen for the bedroom refurbishments mostly come from those families engaged in our AHFO community who take part in our activities and groups.  Children we help include those living in poverty, suffering the loss of one or both parents, illness or isolation. We do have many genuine requests for help for this service as so many kids struggle across the City. Only recently and with the help of local businesses and kind individuals we managed to refurbish a room for a 12 year old girl who had lost her Mum to cancer, the young girl had to move in with Nan who's spare room needed to be made into a comfortable bedroom for her lovely granddaughter.

If you are a flooring company who could offer one floor supplied and fitted per year that goes such a long way to help us. If you own a bed factory and you could offer one bed and  mattress per year your support would be vital and all goes toward a £2.4m social value return we are aiming for in 2022. Builders, decorators or those willing to donate towards curtains, bedding & pillows please get in touch today and help us create positive change in our communities and give our children a warm, comfortable living space.

An Hour for Others is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1180688 City Centre Office - 615b Cotton Exchange, Bixteth Street, Liverpool L3 9LQ Community Hub - 657-659 West Derby Rd, Liverpool L13 8AG (Near to Tuebrook roundabout) Tel - 0151 245 8282
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